SketchpunkLabs | Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 029 : Animating on a Bezier Splines Path @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Continuing our work on bezier splines, we now look at the bezier derivative that gives us the direction or tangent of a position sample. This allows us to use look rotation algorithm to set the correct rotation on our cube so it's forward direction is always at the direction its moving. We get to modify our path and watch the cube follow your changes in real time. Fun Stuff, indeed !


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Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 029 : Animating on a Bezier Splines PathWebGL2 : 082 : Bloom / Glow Post EffectFun with WebGL 2.0 : 020 : Head Tracking in WebVRWebGL2 : 117 : Arc Circle IK SolverWebGL 3D Painting PrototypeWebGL2 : 137.0 : IK Rigs IntroWebGL 2.0 : 044 : Ray to Triangle IntersectionWebGL 2 : 053 : Instanced Particles with TransformFeedbackFun with WebGL 2.0 : 019 : Vive Roomscale in WebVRWebGL 2 : 052 : Create Particle Systems with TransformFeedbackWebGL2 : 072 : Octave Noise Texture GenerationWebGL2 : 084 : Hex Sphere

Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 029 : Animating on a Bezier Splines Path @SketchpunkLabs