LPPFusion | Bubble pops - No Big Bang July 29 '21 @LPPFusion | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 18 hours ago
LPPFusion's chief scientist, Dr. Eric Lerner pops wrap bubbles loudly and the team mates are joking about the noise.

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Bubble pops - No Big Bang July 29 21If the Big Bang Didnt Happen, What Did?LPPFusions Progress Toward Fusion Energy - Presentation for Review PanelLassoed Lightning: Clean Energy Caught on CameraThe New Fusion Race - Part 5 - Focus Fusion Next StepsCosmic Connection - Episode 2 - Universal Evolution Without a Big BangExperiment Preparations; Thu. July 29 21 6PMBackground Radiation, Exp Prep July 29 21 @LPPFusionEric Lerner - On the Development of Quantum MechanicsScience is About Getting It RightWhy I Support LPPFusion Goodbye Fossil Fuels!Making the Electrical Connection Between the Tungsten Cathode and the Steel Connector Plate

Bubble pops - No Big Bang July 29 '21 @LPPFusion