LPPFusion | Science is About Getting It Right @LPPFusion | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 19 hours ago
In the seventh episode of the series on "JWST and the Big Bang Happened Debate" LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner sharply corrects Dr. Becky's claims that scientists are most excited by being proven wrong. Lerner explains how that is dead wrong. Science help humans to survive and advance because it is about right predictions that can be made about the future. Continually being proven wrong is a good description of Big Bang cosmologists' efforts, but it's not the scientific method. It's the method of Ptolemy, which was overthrown by the scientific revolution. Confusing the public about how science works can create a deadly distrust of science.

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This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. The knowledge of plasmas that we gain from studying the universe is helping to harness fusion energy here on earth in this decade. Help fund clean, cheap, safe and unlimited energy and get new knowledge of the cosmos at the same time! For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you!

Small correction to the video--not noticed in post production: at 12:47 Lerner misspeaks , substituting "heliocentric" for the intended word, "geocentric".
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Science is About Getting It Right @LPPFusion