LPPFusion | Why I Support LPPFusion--Goodbye Fossil Fuels! @LPPFusion | Uploaded 9 months ago | Updated 21 hours ago
Former Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Richard H. Jones, explains why he supports LPPFusions fast route to fusion energy. At the IAE from 2008-2013, Jones saw firsthand the painfully slow progress of the tokamak approach. He supports LPPFusions fast approach and has invested his own money in LPPFusion. In this video, he explains why. First, our approach uses hydrogen-boron fuel, which produces no neutrons that can destroy the generator. The lack of the neutrons is important to me Jones explains in a dialog recorded Dec. 11, 2023, with LPPFusions Eric Lerner, but also your notion that you can go straight to the production of electricity is huge. In addition, Jones cites the small size of the generators, making for a localized, decentralized grid. It makes a great deal of sense for the continuity of service, the reliability of the grid and the quality of life. Listen to the rest of his reasons in this video.

Please join Mr. Jones and thousands of other investors in supporting LPPFusions fast route to fusion energy : https://wefunder.com/lppfusion This research is entirely funded by the public through our crowdfunding efforts. For only $200 you can help speed us to a fusion energy future. Fusion needs you! This year's campaign ends Dec.15! If $200 breaks the bank for you, donate as little as $10 here: https://www.lppfusion.com/subscribe/
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Why I Support LPPFusion--Goodbye Fossil Fuels! @LPPFusion