LPPFusion | LPPFusions Progress Toward Fusion Energy - Presentation for Review Panel @LPPFusion | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 18 hours ago
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On June 14, 2021, LPPFusion President and Chief Scientist Eric Lerner gave this presentation to a panel of fusion energy experts reviewing the companys progress. The committee, chaired by Dr. Robert L. Hirsch, former director of fusion research for the United States governments Atomic Energy Commission and Energy Research and Development Administration, concluded that LPPFusion has made an impressive effort to address DPF physics and engineering issues given the limited number of personnel involved, but that the program is vastly underfunded and merits a much higher funding level.

In addition to Dr. Hirsch, the committee members were Dr. Gerald L. Kulcinski, former Director of the Fusion Technology Institute, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Prof. Dennis Papadopoulos, Co-Director, East-West Space Science Center, University of Maryland, College Park; and Dr. John Santarius, Associate Director for Alternate Applications and Concepts of the Fusion Technology Institute.

The presentation was part of a four-hour review, leading to the committees report, available at https://lppfusion.com/evaluation-of-lppfusion-dense-plasma-focus-research/. The report noted that LPPFusion has increased the confined mean ion energy from 150 keV to over 250 keV. This is currently the highest confined ion energy of any fusion device. In addition, Using beryllium electrodes, LPPFusion achieved the highest purity plasma reported in any fusion experiment.
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LPPFusions Progress Toward Fusion Energy - Presentation for Review Panel @LPPFusion