LPPFusion | Cosmic Connection - Episode 2 - Universal Evolution Without a Big Bang @LPPFusion | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 19 hours ago
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In episode 2 of the Cosmic Connection, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner begins to discuss what knowledge can be gained by looking at the evolution of the universe that can help to understand what is going on now, on earth, in social evolution. Is the current global crisis the sign of a world slipping into chaos, the first steps towards a new Dark Age? Or are they the symptoms of a form of society that has reached its limits, the symptoms of the need for a new way of running society that can lead to a new renaissance and an enormously better life for all humanity? How can cosmology help to answer this question?

If there was no Big Bang, how and where do we start the story of the universe? There really is no beginning, but the earliest stage of evolution we have evidence for is the formation of the vast ancient structures we observesuperclusters of cluster of galaxis and even larger structures. In this episode, Lerner explains how these structures came into existence over trillions of years through the interaction of three basic processes, all of which have been studied here on earth for centuries: the pinch effect, gravitational contraction and the disk-generator effect.

This podcast series is a companion to our video series The Real Crisis in Cosmology, our video series on the science of cosmology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KkhRibBllU&list=PLBg1fqjrUVrnOnOzcry3ilvOH6iOxV56m

For some peer-reviewed publications by Lerner and others: https://lppfusion.com/science/cosmic-connection/plasma-cosmology/the-growing-case-against-the-big-bang/

The Big Bang Never Happened e-book: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008XNSKE4/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B008XNSKE4&linkCode=as2&tag=lppf-20&linkId=b3227bbc8160d2c16b59b6c76e3e3efd

Learn more about the connection between fusion and cosmology here: https://lppfusion.com/science/cosmic-connection/

More about the need for fusion energy, the power of the stars: https://youtu.be/6ajqD0hoOMw

Lerner's video on Energy, Finance and the Coronavirus: https://youtu.be/5wsObfdLKSM

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Cosmic Connection - Episode 2 - Universal Evolution Without a Big Bang @LPPFusion