LPPFusion | Lassoed Lightning: Clean Energy Caught on Camera @LPPFusion | Uploaded 10 years ago | Updated 19 hours ago
Fusion Experts Urge Much Higher Funding for LPPFusion - https://lppfusion.com/fusion-experts-urge-much-higher-funding-for-lppfusion/

Could a bolt of lightning lassoed with a device called the Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) be the key to unlocking clean energy for everyone? In this video, actual images of the plasma within the Focus Fusion-1 DPF are used to illustrate Focus Fusion, a different approach to hot plasma fusion that could reach breakeven much sooner and at much lower cost relative to billion dollar projects such as Iter and NIF.
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Lassoed Lightning: Clean Energy Caught on Camera @LPPFusion