SketchpunkLabs | WebGL2 : 071: Ortho Projection and Isometric View @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 2 days ago
Challenging myself with another animation I saw someone make. This time I try to recreate an animated gif created by @beesandbombs. This becomes an great simple example of how to use ortho projection to create an isometric view. Plus, we get to learn some animation trickery.

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WebGL2 : 071: Ortho Projection and Isometric ViewFun with WebGL 2.0 : 015 : Texture AtlasWebGL2 : 098 : ECS P2: Systems and AssemblagesFun WebGL 2 : 042 : ES6 Modules and Refactoring FungiFun with WebGL 2.0 : 031: Bezier Splines SimplificationLamp animationWebGL 2.0 : 044.1 : More Ray to Triangle IntersectionWebGL2 : 132 : Animation RetargetingFun with WebGL 2.0 : 050 : Ray intersect on Terrain ChunksWebGL 2 : 041 : Load Meshes / Skeletons from GLTFWebGL2 : 056 : Swaying Particle Textured GrassWebGL2 : 059 : Tweening, Easing, Emote Oh My

WebGL2 : 071: Ortho Projection and Isometric View @SketchpunkLabs