SketchpunkLabs | WebGL 2 : 041 : Load Meshes / Skeletons from GLTF @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 2 days ago
We're reaching a point that we can no longer just create mesh data by hand and rather use complex models with animations and what not. So we're going to explore creating a GLTF loader since that format is easier to use and can bring in more data then OBJ files. We step through a triangle example then start loading in more complex meshes that include skeleton data so that we can start manipulating cool looking models by code. We get to see the return of pirate girl that we haven't seen in months, today we finally begin her first few joint controlled movements.

Pirate Girl by Enthymeme
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WebGL 2 : 041 : Load Meshes / Skeletons from GLTFWebGL2 : 056 : Swaying Particle Textured GrassWebGL2 : 059 : Tweening, Easing, Emote Oh MyWebGL2 : 064.1 : Smarter Impact Shield EffectUnity3D - Procedurally made hexagon in a circle grid pattern.getSource : Watts CurveWebGL2 : 121 : Rotation NoiseFirst assembly and boot up.Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 005 : TransformationWebGL2 : 104 : Texture ArraysWebGL2 : 131 : Soft Body PhysicsFun with WebGL 2.0 : 039 : Mouse Ray Casting

WebGL 2 : 041 : Load Meshes / Skeletons from GLTF @SketchpunkLabs