SketchpunkLabs | Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 039 : Mouse Ray Casting @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 2 days ago
Today we're going to discuss how we can translate our browser's X,Y mouse coordinates into 3d positions in our virtual world. There is two methods we can use, one creates a direction that we can point at the other side of the frustrum or by creating two points that are on opposite ends of the frustrum based on the direction we're looking and where the mouse was clicked.


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Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 039 : Mouse Ray CastingWebGL2 : 087 : Bump mapping with Height Maps3D printable remix of the beastgripFun with WebGL 2.0 : 028 : 3D Editor for Bezier SplinesHow to power lcd and Chromecast on 1 power supply.WebGL2 : 133 : Saving Retargeted AnimationWebGL 2 : 048 : Ray Sphere IntersectionFun with WebGL 2.0 : 022.1 : Float:Vec3 NEQ Vec3:FloatWebGL2 : 135 : Quaternion Inverse DirectionOpen Xortex - Update 001000 : INTRO : WebGL 2 WebGPUWebGL2 : 070 : Simple Noise Texture Generation

Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 039 : Mouse Ray Casting @SketchpunkLabs