SketchpunkLabs | WebGL2 : 076 : Noise Distortion Fire @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
I never found a good tutorial that explained how to use distortion in shaders to create effects like fire. Thanks to MinionsArt and ciaccodavide on twitter posting some tips on how its done, I am able to finally play around and try to implement something that works in webgl and glsl. We explore the steps and different looks at each stage of putting the effect together.

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WebGL2 : 076 : Noise Distortion FireWebGL2 : 125 : Procedural IK Dance P2WebGL2 : 064 : Impact Shield EffectNeed help with this LM386 circuit.WebGL2 : 073 : Mobius TorusmkRebuild - Phase 1 - Update 01WebGL2 : 137.5 : IK Rigs - SpineWebGL2 : 069 : Create Keyframe AnimatorWebGL2 : 105 : Bone / Skin WeightsShader Blocks : 001 : UI, Previews, Awesomeness, oh myFun with WebGL 2.0 : 003 : The Shaders Part 2Refactor Fungi 001

WebGL2 : 076 : Noise Distortion Fire @SketchpunkLabs