Quick Biochemistry Basics | Gel permeation chromatography | gel Filtration chromatography | Size exclusion chromatography @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Gel permeation chromatography is also known as gel filtration or size exclusion chromatography. in gel permeation chromatography the separation of molecules occurs based on the size. The gel used have porous structure. small molecules easily gets trapped in the pores of the beads while the large molecules remains outside. hence when the mobile phase is passed, the large molecules moves fast down the column while the small molecules takes long time to move.
Gel permeation chromatography | gel Filtration chromatography | Size exclusion chromatographyZinc finger motifCofactors | Coenzymes | Holoenzyme | ApoenzymeIdentifying genes on chromosomesEnzyme unitsDiscovery of AuxinDNA precipitationLock and Key modelTranslation in prokaryotes | Protein synthesis in prokaryotesIsoelectric Focusing and 2D gel electrophoresisAgarose gel electrophoresisAvery MacLeod McCarty experiment

Gel permeation chromatography | gel Filtration chromatography | Size exclusion chromatography @quickbiochemistrybasics