Quick Biochemistry Basics | Zinc finger motif @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Zinc finger motif or zinc finger domain is a common protein motif that binds zinc ions and forms a finger like structure. This finger like structure binds the major groove of the DNA and regulates its transcription.
Zinc finger motifCofactors | Coenzymes | Holoenzyme | ApoenzymeIdentifying genes on chromosomesEnzyme unitsDiscovery of AuxinDNA precipitationLock and Key modelTranslation in prokaryotes | Protein synthesis in prokaryotesIsoelectric Focusing and 2D gel electrophoresisAgarose gel electrophoresisAvery MacLeod McCarty experimentHow to memorize monosaccharides

Zinc finger motif @quickbiochemistrybasics