Quick Biochemistry Basics | Cofactors | Coenzymes | Holoenzyme | Apoenzyme @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Some enzymes needs non protein components to carry out biological reactions these non protein components are called cofactors. An enzyme along with its cofactor is called holoenzyme. If such enzyme looses its cofactor then its called apoenzyme. The cofactors can either be inorganic or organic molecules. The inoganic confactors are usually metal ions that are requried for its activity. The organic cofactors can either be tightly bound with the enzyme or released free after the reaction is complete. The tightly bound organic cofactor is called prosthetic group where as the organic cofactor that is releasd after catalysis is called coenzyme.
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Cofactors | Coenzymes | Holoenzyme | Apoenzyme @quickbiochemistrybasics