Quick Biochemistry Basics | Chromosome walking @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 18 hours ago
Chromosome walking is a technique, which is widely used for the discovery for new genes and sequencing of chromosome. For this the chromosome is isolated using pulsed field gel electrophoresis and digested partially to result in overlapping fragments. The fragments are ligated in plasmid and transformed in cells. The transformed cells are allowed to form colonies. In chromosome walking a colony is picked up and the insert is used as a probe for screening colonies having overlapping fragments. When the process is repeated multiple times, a complete sequence of chromosome can be obtained.
Chromosome walkingPyruvate dehydrogenase complexReducing sugar by DNS method | 3, 5 Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA) methodUltra-structure of Flagella (Prokaryotic)ChemotaxisDenaturing gradient gel electrophoresisCalvin cycle (part 2) regeneration of RuBPProtein structure | Primary | Secondary | Tertiary | QuaternaryAntibiotic resistanceConfocal MicroscopySOLID sequencing | Supported oligonucleotide ligation and detectionMemorize amino acids

Chromosome walking @quickbiochemistrybasics