Quick Biochemistry Basics | Protein structure | Primary | Secondary | Tertiary | Quaternary @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 21 hours ago
Primary structure is the linear sequence of amino acids written from the N termial of first to the C terminal of the last amino acid. The information of the primary structure is obtained by sequencing the gene or the protein. The primary structure further folds to form secondary structure. The most common secondary structure is the alpha helix and the beta sheet. secondary structure further forms tertiary structure. Interaction between tertiary structure forms quaternary structure.
Protein structure | Primary | Secondary | Tertiary | QuaternaryAntibiotic resistanceConfocal MicroscopySOLID sequencing | Supported oligonucleotide ligation and detectionMemorize amino acidsPulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)Plasmid isolation by alkaline lysis methodCalvin cycle (part 1)Mass spectrometrySDS PAGE vs Native PAGEEnzymesFluorescence Microscopy

Protein structure | Primary | Secondary | Tertiary | Quaternary @quickbiochemistrybasics