Quick Biochemistry Basics | Identifying genes on chromosomes @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 2 weeks ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Identifying genes on chromosomes
have you ever wondered how scientists identify genes on the chromosomes. Well, they use a technique known as chromosome banding to stain the chromosomes into light and dark bands. usually an abnormal chromosome
will have one band missing. Using PFGE (pulsed filed gel electrophoresis) the chromosomes can be isolated. So using normal cells the normal chromosome will be isolated while using abnormal cells the abnormal chromosome will be isolated once isolated the chromosomes are treated with a restriction enzyme. using RE gel the band present in normal
chromosome but absent in abnormal one is purified and ligated into the plasmid. this is then used as a probe to find cDNA gene from the cDNA library. The cDNA found will be the gene that was absent in abnormal chromosome but present in the normal one.
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Identifying genes on chromosomes @quickbiochemistrybasics