SketchpunkLabs | Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 038 : Skeleton / Bones / Skinning & Instancing @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 7 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
We're going to start working on our new milestone, which is to get a 3D model loaded up along with its skeleton and animations. To get started we're going to look at the basics of how skeletons work and how to make vertices move along side the bones that they are attached to.

Links of Interest

GitHub :: https://github.com/sketchpunk/FunWithWebGL2
Patreon :: https://www.patreon.com/sketchpunk
Tumblr :: http://sketchpunklabs.tumblr.com/
Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 038 : Skeleton / Bones / Skinning & InstancingVoice control blender 3D with SpeechCMDFun with WebGL 2.0 : 010 : Cubemap (Day & Night Cycle Sky)WebGL2 : 125 : Procedural IK Dance P1WebGL2 : 114 : Pure TransformWebGL2 : 055 : Particle Spherical / Cylindrical Billboard3D printed Mechanical Iris ChallengeWebGL2 : 051 : Transform Manipulator with Ray IntersectionFun with WebGL 2.0 : 009 : The CubeFun with WebGL 2.0 : 018 : WebVR with HTC ViveFun with WebGL 2.0 : 025 : MRT & Post EffectsWebGL2 : 095 : Cylinder Wrapping and Tappering

Fun with WebGL 2.0 : 038 : Skeleton / Bones / Skinning & Instancing @SketchpunkLabs