Quick Biochemistry Basics | Difference between Barfoed and Benedict test @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Barfoed test is used to diffrentiate monosaccharides vs disaccharides, while benedict test is used to detect reducing monosaccharide like glucose (in urine as indication of diabetes). both test uses solution of copper sulphate, however barfoed test is done in acidic conditions while benedict test is done in alkaline conditions.
Difference between Barfoed and Benedict testNADH dehydrogenase (complex 1 of ETC)Prokaryotic FlagellaC4 PathwayGel permeation chromatography | gel Filtration chromatography | Size exclusion chromatographyZinc finger motifCofactors | Coenzymes | Holoenzyme | ApoenzymeIdentifying genes on chromosomesEnzyme unitsDiscovery of AuxinDNA precipitationLock and Key model

Difference between Barfoed and Benedict test @quickbiochemistrybasics