RCSBProteinDataBank | What is in a Computed Structure Model? Meet AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold @RCSBProteinDataBank | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Brinda Vallat
Scientific Software Developer/PDB-Dev Representative and ModelCIF Manager
RCSB PDB/Rutgers

In August 2022, the RCSB PDB enabled access to ~1 million Computed Structure Models (CSMs) from AlphaFoldDB and RoseTTAFold in addition to the ~200,000 experimentally-determined PDB structures on the RCSB.org website.

On September 22, 2022 a Virtual Crash Course was held to inform the RCSB.org users how to search, visualize, and analyze CSMs alongside experimentally-determined PDB structures using the custom-developed RCSB PDB tools.
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What is in a Computed Structure Model? Meet AlphaFold and RoseTTAFold @RCSBProteinDataBank