RCSBProteinDataBank | Computed Structure Models: Visualization, Validation, and Alignments @RCSBProteinDataBank | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Sebastian Bittrich
Scientific Software Developer

In August 2022, the RCSB PDB enabled access to ~1 million Computed Structure Models (CSMs) from AlphaFoldDB and RoseTTAFold in addition to the ~200,000 experimentally-determined PDB structures on the RCSB.org website.

On September 22, 2022 a Virtual Crash Course was held to inform the RCSB.org users how to search, visualize, and analyze CSMs alongside experimentally-determined PDB structures using the custom-developed RCSB PDB tools.
Computed Structure Models: Visualization, Validation, and AlignmentsLeveraging RCSB PDB APIs for Bioinformatics Analyses and Machine LearningIntroduction to Mol* (MolStar) Molecular Graphics SystemInsulin BiosynthesisNonlinear regression: Creating the Pandas DataFrameExtracting data from mmCIF files using the Biopython libraryBreast Cancer Chess Championship: Trastuzumab vs HER2 ReceptorMolecular Machinery: A TourMenacing Mutations: Examining the Role of the RAS Oncogene in Cancer DevelopmentMaking the Best use of Protein Structure Data in KBase and PDBKBase Apps for Protein Structure Data Communication and Integration with RCSB PDBHow do I find models? Simple Searching Case Study and intro to Structure Summary Pages

Computed Structure Models: Visualization, Validation, and Alignments @RCSBProteinDataBank