RCSBProteinDataBank | Menacing Mutations: Examining the Role of the RAS Oncogene in Cancer Development @RCSBProteinDataBank | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Winner of the Judge’s Award Second Place in the 2022 RCSB PDB Video Challenge for High School Students “Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer”

By Xinyi Zhang
South Brunswick High School, NJ
Team Advisor: Mrs. Dana Armstrong
Menacing Mutations: Examining the Role of the RAS Oncogene in Cancer DevelopmentMaking the Best use of Protein Structure Data in KBase and PDBKBase Apps for Protein Structure Data Communication and Integration with RCSB PDBHow do I find models? Simple Searching Case Study and intro to Structure Summary PagesExploring the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway using Data, Tools, and Resources from RCSB.orgWhat is Cancer?p53 The Spell Checking MachineIntroduction | Using KBase to Access Protein Structures and ModelsAccessing Computed Structure Models generated using   AlphaFold2 or RoseTTAFold(2)Evolution of the Insulin GenePDBx/mmCIF data files - Lifting the lid off the black box

Menacing Mutations: Examining the Role of the RAS Oncogene in Cancer Development @RCSBProteinDataBank