RCSBProteinDataBank | Introduction to Mol* (MolStar) Molecular Graphics System @RCSBProteinDataBank | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 3 hours ago
A virtual course ‘Using KBase to access PDB Structures and Computed Structure Models’ was held on Thursday November 10, 2022. The participants had the opportunity to learn about the protein structure-related tools, visualizations, and workflows that have been integrated into DOE KBase.

The talk synopses and the summary of the Q and A are available here:

Use this link to access the full course

Presenter: Shuchismita Dutta, Ph.D. - RCSB Protein Data Bank, Rutgers University
Title: Introduction to the Virtual Crash Course on Using KBase to access PDB Structures and Computed Structure Models
Introduction to Mol* (MolStar) Molecular Graphics SystemInsulin BiosynthesisNonlinear regression: Creating the Pandas DataFrameExtracting data from mmCIF files using the Biopython libraryBreast Cancer Chess Championship: Trastuzumab vs HER2 ReceptorMolecular Machinery: A TourMenacing Mutations: Examining the Role of the RAS Oncogene in Cancer DevelopmentMaking the Best use of Protein Structure Data in KBase and PDBKBase Apps for Protein Structure Data Communication and Integration with RCSB PDBHow do I find models? Simple Searching Case Study and intro to Structure Summary PagesExploring the PD-1/PD-L1 pathway using Data, Tools, and Resources from RCSB.orgWhat is Cancer?

Introduction to Mol* (MolStar) Molecular Graphics System @RCSBProteinDataBank