Quick Biochemistry Basics | Disaccharide @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
Disaccharides are formed by two monosaccharides linked togeather by glycosidic bond. disaccharides are crystalline, water soluble and sweet in taste. disaccharide can be reducing or non reducing. examples of disaccharides includes sucrose, lactose, maltose etc.
DisaccharideMixed inhibition and Non competitive inhibitionTim Hunt experimentDNA foot print assayMicrosatellitesAuxotroph and discovery of metabolic pathway.Liquid Chromatography | Partition chromatographyGrowth curveHenderson Hasselbalch equation.Lederberg and Tatum experimentPaper ChromatographyTranscription in prokaryotes

Disaccharide @quickbiochemistrybasics