Quick Biochemistry Basics | Auxotroph and discovery of metabolic pathway. @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 6 days ago | Updated 1 day ago
Biochemistry is all about study of metabolic pathways. Have you ever wondered how metabolic pathways are discovered. This video describes, how auxotrophs can be used to find intermediates of a metabolic pathway.
Collecting similar auxotrophs that requires specific metabolite for its growth and growing them side by side on a plate, is one of the classical method to find metabolic pathway.
Auxotroph and discovery of metabolic pathway.Liquid Chromatography | Partition chromatographyGrowth curveHenderson Hasselbalch equation.Lederberg and Tatum experimentPaper ChromatographyTranscription in prokaryotesHanes Woolf plotRCF | Relative centrifugal forceAlpha HelixDNA Replication in ProkaryotesCompetitive inhibition

Auxotroph and discovery of metabolic pathway. @quickbiochemistrybasics