Quick Biochemistry Basics | Tim Hunt experiment @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
This video is about Tim Hunt experiment who discovered cyclin in 1982.
In the late summer 1982, students at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, were finishing their last experiments and getting ready to return home. Tim (timothy) Hunt was busy analyzing protein synthesis pattern of sea urchins eggs after fertilization. looking at the autoradiogram Tim Hunt discovered an oscillating protein that would appear at one stage of cycle and dissappear in the other. The name "cyclin" was originally named after his hobby cycling.

There are two major gropus of cyclins.
1. G1/S cyclins and 2. G2/S cyclins.
G1/S cyclins include cyclin A - cdk2, cyclin D - cdk4 and cyclin E - cdk2.
G2/M cyclins inculdes cyclin B - cdk1 complex.

(Note: - while describing cyclin A, D, E and B ... sorry i have used the term cyclin"s" in the video)
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Tim Hunt experiment @quickbiochemistrybasics