Sebastian Lague | Coding Adventure: Optimizing a Ray Tracer (by building a BVH) @SebastianLague | Uploaded 3 months ago | Updated 4 days ago
Trying to speed up the ray tracer (from a previous coding adventure) so that we can render some more intricate scenes!

● Source: https://github.com/SebLague/Ray-Tracing
● Get early access to new videos and projects by supporting on:
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● Previous Ray Tracing episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qz0KTGYJtUk
● BVH Article: https://jacco.ompf2.com/2022/04/18/how-to-build-a-bvh-part-2-faster-rays/
● 3D Test Models: https://casual-effects.com/data/
● Music Credits: https://github.com/SebLague/Misc-Project-Info/blob/main/Coding-Adventures/BVH.txt

00:00 Intro
00:30 Triangle-Test Debug View
03:34 Bounding Boxes Inside of Bounding Boxes
04:41 Building a BVH
07:41 Traversing the BVH
09:13 GPU-Friendly Data
15:32 Converting Recursion to Iteration
18:06 Box-Test Debug View
21:42 Increasing the Depth of the BVH
25:11 Distance Test and Child Ordering
31:47 The Surface Area Heuristic
37:19 Speeding up the Construction
38:57 32-Byte Nodes
42:20 Transformations
45:10 Supporting Multiple Models
48:45 Some Tests and Final Thoughts
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Coding Adventure: Optimizing a Ray Tracer (by building a BVH) @SebastianLague