SketchpunkLabs | WebGL2 : 126 : Spring Movement @SketchpunkLabs | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
In this lesson we explore a bit of spring physics. We'll focus on on equations based on 1D movement to keep things super simple, but like curves, its requires little to no effort to expand it to 2D or 3D. We'll cover a few different examples of the math I found, also discuss a few different examples of how to apply delta time to spring movement. We'll end by checking out an example of how to calculate the Spring Constant and Damping based on a few inputs like start/end positions, how much time to cover the distances and how many bounces you want the spring to do.

The hopes of this lesson is to get a basic well rounded idea of how to handle springs. This will be the first lesson of a mini series related to the topic. Future tutorials will hope to cover:
- Spring Rotation
- Spring Bone (Jiggly Bone)
- Spring Bone Chains (Hair, Clothing, etc)
- Soft Body Physics

Lesson files that included the baller sample can be found for free at my patreon page.

Links of Interest

GitHub :: https://github.com/sketchpunk/FunWithWebGL2
Patreon :: https://www.patreon.com/sketchpunk
Twitter :: https://twitter.com/SketchpunkLabs
Tumblr :: http://sketchpunklabs.tumblr.com/
Trello :: https://trello.com/b/zcTUPpFy/fun-with-webgl-20
WebGL2 : 126 : Spring MovementWebGL2 : 110 : Inverse Kinematics with Curve PlacementWebGL2 : 107 : Rotation MovementWebGL2 : 125 : Procedural IK Dance P2WebGL2 : 137.5 : IK Rigs - SpineWebGL2 : 105 : Bone / Skin WeightsRefactor Fungi 001

WebGL2 : 126 : Spring Movement @SketchpunkLabs