Dark5 | Unknown Creature Lurking in Security Camera Footage: 5 Creepiest Surveillance Camera Videos @dark5tv | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 1 day ago
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In recent years, two Mexican video clips have surfaced which appear to support claims of UFO-related or supernatural activity in the country.

The first, recorded on December 26th, 2018, by a surveillance camera in Nezahualcóyotl, near Mexico City, shows an encounter between two people and a mysterious, unidentifiable entity.

It at first appears as a strange cluster of lights drifting above the ground, but closer inspection reveals limbs. Adding weight and validation to this video is the fact that both of the home's CCTV cameras recorded the same entity.

The homeowner, Jaime Lune Becerra, and his daughter could see the entity from a distance, but both retreated indoors when it appeared to be coming back toward them.

Later, Becerra describes the incident as a luminous sphere drifting up and down. He describes watching it fearfully for three or four minutes while speculating on whether it may be a witch or an alien. According to Becerra, the entity then assumed a humanoid yet transparent form.

Scientific and skeptical investigations into this footage found no plausible explanation.

Adding to the mystery, in February 2022, a video filmed in the San Vicente Chicoloapan area came to light, showing other beings of a similar nature.

This two-minute video shows two transparent humanoid formations descending from the sky and drifting in such a way that they resemble the earlier 2018 footage.

This later video shows the two entities catching the attention of three stray dogs, who bark aggressively and attempt to surround it. The entities, which seem unfazed by the dogs, then merge into a single upright being.

When one skeptic claimed that these phenomena were residual effects of data compression creating an artifact on screen, it was quickly pointed out that the dogs' reaction in the video clearly demonstrates that something tangible was recorded.

Attempts to explain these unusual and seemingly related phenomena have cited ghosts, aliens, and interdimensional beings...
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Unknown Creature Lurking in Security Camera Footage: 5 Creepiest Surveillance Camera Videos @dark5tv