Dark5 | 5 Most Unbelievable Coincidences in History @dark5tv | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 1 day ago
After the fierce naval battle that witnessed the sinking of the German battleship Bismarck in May of 1941, over 2,000 sailors lost their lives. 114 survivors were subsequently rescued in the North Atlantic by Allied warships, and among them was Sam the cat.

The crew of HMS Cossack plucked the Bismarck’s resident mouser from the ocean and warmly welcomed him aboard. The cat became part of the crew as they steamed towards the Mediterranean.

Months later, the Cossack was escorting a convoy out of the Gibraltar Strait when it was sunk by the German U-563 submarine.

This time, everyone on board survived and was rescued by HMS Legion. The fortunate cat was then adopted by a group of sailors from HMS Ark Royal. But the carrier was eventually struck by the U-81 submarine near Malta. Only one crew member was rescued from the Mediterranean waters.

After the incident, the lucky feline’s maritime career came to an end. After its adventures at sea, the cat was brought to Gibraltar and was adopted by the staff of the colony's governor.

Sam stayed there until the war ended. The cat was then taken to Belfast by a sailor until it passed away in 1955 from old age, proving to have many lives to spare.
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5 Most Unbelievable Coincidences in History @dark5tv