The Professor Who Fell Through a Rift in Time: The Moberly–Jourdain Time Slip Incident  @dark5tv
The Professor Who Fell Through a Rift in Time: The Moberly–Jourdain Time Slip Incident  @dark5tv
Dark5 | The Professor Who Fell Through a Rift in Time: The Moberly–Jourdain Time Slip Incident @dark5tv | Uploaded 5 months ago | Updated May 12 2024
In August 1901, Charlotte Moberly and her assistant, Eleanor Jourdain, were wandering around the gardens of Versailles. Suddenly, these two educated English women with impeccable reputations witnessed a strange sight.

People dressed in old garb, speaking in French, were interacting with each other as if the women were not even there. It seemed to them that they had mysteriously walked into a different moment in time.

The two women went on to write an anonymous book about their experience, which was distributed all over Europe, some believing the story, and some wildly discrediting it.

Did the two women actually come face to face with the ghosts of the French Revolution? Or was it all a 20th-century hoax?
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The Professor Who Fell Through a Rift in Time: The Moberly–Jourdain Time Slip Incident @dark5tv