Dark5 | 5 Stunning Nuclear Mysteries @dark5tv | Uploaded 1 month ago | Updated 1 day ago
In July 1945, the people of New Mexico witnessed a rare and bewildering event: snowfall in the middle of summer.

At first, locals assumed it was just an unusual weather phenomenon. But as the years went by, it became evident that this mysterious snowfall was far more sinister. It was the harbinger of a tragedy that would claim the lives of many.

Barbara Kent was just 13 years old when the snow fell. As on most summer days, she and her friends were swimming and playing in a local river, blissfully unaware of what was about to happen.

"We were all just shocked," Barbara later recounted, noting the unusual event that began their day. "All of a sudden, there was this big cloud overhead and lights in the sky. It even hurt our eyes when we looked up. The whole sky turned strange."

Excitement filled the air as the snow began to fall hours later. The children, thrilled by the unexpected summer snow, had no idea of the peril it brought with it.

"We were grabbing all of this white, which we thought was snow, and we were putting it all over our faces," Barbara recounted. "But the strange thing was, instead of being cold like snow, it was hot. We thought, ‘Well, the reason it’s hot is because it’s summer.’ We were just 13 years old."

Unbeknownst to Barbara and her friends, they were playing with heavily irradiated ash, the fallout from the Trinity Test. Earlier that day, at 5:29 AM, just 40 miles upstream from Barbara's summer camp, the Manhattan Project had carried out the first detonation of a nuclear weapon...
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5 Stunning Nuclear Mysteries @dark5tv