ItsBS | UFO Chase - Two UFOs spotted near Marion Ohio - Debunked @itsbs | Uploaded 2 years ago | Updated 14 hours ago
Debunking MUFON Case 119926 - Man chases down two UFO's near Marion, Ohio on December 16, 2021.

#ufo #uap

Original Video Download: https://ufostalker.com/sighting/119926

More video of the timeline scrub to get an idea of forward flight direction:


Composite picture of horizontal C130 lights at night:


Another similar video posted on Dec 21, 2021 from Tiffin, Ohio (just north of Marion) and unsure if this was the same night of Dec 16th or not:

UFO Chase - Two UFOs spotted near Marion Ohio - DebunkedLas Vegas UFO descending into the vicinity of Angels backyard - April 30, 2023 @ 11:49:17pmEntanglement shows Quantum Mechanics contradicts itself!Original MetaPod UFO Video Enhanced (stabilized, zoom, translation)Roswell Crash vs Project Mogul Balloon - It is an IQ Test!  How smart are you?

UFO Chase - Two UFOs spotted near Marion Ohio - Debunked @itsbs