ItsBS | Las Vegas UFO descending into the vicinity of Angel's backyard - April 30, 2023 @ 11:49:17pm @itsbs | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 15 hours ago
#lasvegasufo #alien #lasvegas

Las Vegas UFO descending into the NW part of the city just 40 minutes prior to Angel's 911 call describing 8-foot aliens in the backyard of his house. See this Reddit post for more details of each video:

Las Vegas UFO descending into the vicinity of Angels backyard - April 30, 2023 @ 11:49:17pmEntanglement shows Quantum Mechanics contradicts itself!Original MetaPod UFO Video Enhanced (stabilized, zoom, translation)Roswell Crash vs Project Mogul Balloon - It is an IQ Test!  How smart are you?

Las Vegas UFO descending into the vicinity of Angel's backyard - April 30, 2023 @ 11:49:17pm @itsbs