ItsBS | Entanglement shows Quantum Mechanics contradicts itself! @itsbs | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 15 hours ago
Pop-Science is wrong! Quantum Entanglement invalidates the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and it is not about Spooky Action at a Distance or non-locality. Quantum Mechanics is a self-contradicting theory. Quantum Entanglement is a bug, not a feature!

This video gives you an idea of what the EPR Paradox paper's main focus is about (Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox from 1935). This paradox then points to a problem in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle paper, which turns out to be a major problem of the Gamma-Ray Photon Microscope idea of Heisenberg. The EPR Paper invalidates Copenhagen Quantum Mechanics, which is the Max Born Rule (Wave Function Collapse) and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

#quantum #entanglement #Einstein


EPR Paradox Paper:

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:

AIP - Neils Bohr Interviews (Oral Histories - Session Five)

Max Born - On the Quantum Mechanics of Collisions (Preliminary):

PHET Simulation - Wave on a String:

Manjit Kumar's Quantum Book is a great resource for understanding the history:
Entanglement shows Quantum Mechanics contradicts itself!Original MetaPod UFO Video Enhanced (stabilized, zoom, translation)Roswell Crash vs Project Mogul Balloon - It is an IQ Test!  How smart are you?

Entanglement shows Quantum Mechanics contradicts itself! @itsbs