ItsBS | Original MetaPod UFO Video Enhanced (stabilized, zoom, translation) @itsbs | Uploaded 10 months ago | Updated 14 hours ago
Madrid, Spain (El Escorial) filmed September 6, 2015

Original Video (with original audio) that was uploaded to YouTube on Sept 6, 2015

A similar shaped "MetaPod" can be seen in this video from Monterrey, Mexico in May of 2006. They called it "La Bruja" or the Mexican Witch.


This is the earliest mention of the video in this post on an old Portuguese website:

More information on how the video was obtained and includes the original eyewitness report email (from Sept 11, 2015):

Composite picture of 360 view the MetaPod:

Original Video Link - No longer available:
Original MetaPod UFO Video Enhanced (stabilized, zoom, translation)Roswell Crash vs Project Mogul Balloon - It is an IQ Test!  How smart are you?

Original MetaPod UFO Video Enhanced (stabilized, zoom, translation) @itsbs