xBurningBrightly | ❝Therapy❞ ᴼᶜᵗᵒᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²² @xBurningBrightly | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 11 hours ago
Thumbnail will happen later, again... eventually. :' D
I didn't upload this and type my description right after October ended, and now I don't even know what happened way back then. X'D

Work for sure. Checking photos to see what else did. XD

So October 1st was the baby shower for my little nephew! We drove out to where her parents live. I took a lot of photos for them on the camera and it was all very cute. The restaurant that we ate at afterward gave all of us some food poisoning. Originally my great aunt and uncle were going too, but they couldn't find someone to watch their dogs and had to cancel. This gave us an extra hotel room, and I got my own room for the night!!!!! Which will basically never happen again I'm sure lol
I did a face mask and did homework, then passed out. That's it. I didn't even get to edit or watch a movie rip
Then in the morning, my mom and grandpa got to meet with I believe my grandpa's cousin like once removed???? But anyway, they met up with her for the first time ever and did some genealogy stuff! My mom found her because of that, and she had some photos of people that my mom had never seen before (like great-great-grandparents and stuff).

October 9th was my mom's birthday, so we went out to eat for that! Thankfully it was on a Sunday so I was off from work.

On October 20th, my sister-in-law's water broke while she was at the baby shower that her co-workers did for her! (I also think I may have checked out the lady at Hobby Lobby who got some of the stuff because it was elephant themed and there was a diaper cake, which the customer had mentioned lol). Anyway, there were many problems with getting her to the hospital. She called my brother, who had to call my mom and ask her to pick him up because my sister-in-law had both sets of car keys. So she drove him to her work, and he was kinda frazzled. It would have been like 30 minutes faster if he had asked our grandpa to drive him. So then they took her car to the hospital, and my mom was following part way since it was her way home. He almost took the wrong exit, but my mom called him. Then he almost did it again and she was like !!!!!. He was getting frustrated, so they started to follow the map and had the wrong hospital. They got there in the end though! X'D

She stayed and had my little baby nephew a little under 24 hours later on the 21st. He is very tiny, and I got to leave work for about two hours and hold him for a little while. Then I helped the next day with packing up the hospital room, and my brother and I struggled with the car seat. We had to call her mom and then sister for them to tell us how to get it out of the car/off the base. The lever was covered up and I was just like, "wrong lever, Kronk!" XD

We got to see little baby on the 24th and 27th for a while, but my brother and sister-in-law are really worried about RSV now and I haven't been able to see him since (other than at a distance on Thanksgiving).

On the 31st, I got off of work at 6PM, so went home and handed out just a bit of candy. We didn't have very many trick or treaters this year, and most of them came around before I got home. One boy asked my mom when she handed out candy, "Are you my grandma's sister?"
My mom said, "Well is your grandma nice?" and of course he said yes, so she said, "No but I would be honored to be her sister" (or something like that, slightly different phrasing lol)

Then my grandpa wasn't answering his phone, so we drove to his place and I got to see his Ragdoll babies. His older one, General, is over 11 pounds now! Admiral doesn't like new people and hides, so we didn't see him much.

That was October really.... plus lots of customers at work. I don't remember anything specific about them though, only just a lottttttt of Christmas decorations and a good amount of glitter. There was also some drama with co-workers because of the pitch-in we did. The first week of October was 40 hours, then 42.5 hours, 43.5 hours, and 44.5 hours for the last week. (We worked 56.5 hours for this last week.)

Oh! I also finished my chemistry II class! I got a B in the end and did pretty awful on the final. Everything was finished though! I'll talk about my "next" class in November's collection.

Right now work is very slowly killing me, and I kinda want to cry every time a customer asks the same three questions over and over... Where's the restroom, is this on sale, and when does the Christmas sale end? Also where is _______? but that one isn't too bad as long as I know where the item is.

SO YEAH. Editing has been a struggle. Here's the parts I managed to finish.

info; tba

1. Therapy (favorite part and full MEP this month)
2. You Broke Me First
3. Ninelie (birthday MEP)
4. One & Only (Halloween)
5. Another World
6. Hush (Halloween)
7. Demons (Halloween)
8. Not Today
9. Don't Trust Me (Halloween)
10. Calling All the Monsters (Halloween)
11. Jealousy (Naruto worm MEP part)
12. Crazy for Love
13. Fright Song (Halloween)
❝Therapy❞ ᴼᶜᵗᵒᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²²❝Life is Beautiful❞ MEP Parts || January 2020❝Sunflower Love❞ MEP Parts || August 2020Genghis Khan [Non/Disney Villains || CR shuffle vid]youll never leave if Im already gone. ᶠˡᶦᵍʰᵗ ʳᶦˢᵏ❝Can you hear me?❞ Izuku MidoriyaHappy Halloween! ᴹᴱᴾ ᶜᵒˡˡᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ❝Lavender Shadows❞ MEP Collection ᴬᵘᵍᵘˢᵗ ²⁰²³ask me if Im happy, idk「MEP」Rescue You [DUE: JAN. 3RD]its okay if you forget me [EDL]Never gonna give up candy or butter

❝Therapy❞ ᴼᶜᵗᵒᵇᵉʳ ²⁰²² @xBurningBrightly