xBurningBrightly | ❝Life is Beautiful❞ MEP Parts || January 2020 @xBurningBrightly | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 11 hours ago
JANUARY. There wasn't much time for editing during January, as you can see since I've only got six parts... This is the least I've edited in a month since I started editing. I thought last year was bad when I'd only edit like ten parts in a month. X'D

Sooooo... I think I said in December's video that I found I had two cavities, my first ever... I got those filled. It was not fun. 0/10 do not recommend. Take care of your teach so no dentist has to drill holes into them. X'D
(Thankfully they weren't deep though, so I was able to do it without the numbing stuff.)

On January 5th, before I came back to school, we took down our Christmas tree and put it outside. People were supposed to collect trees that day, but they didn't... So we just left it by the curb to see if they would get it later. While I was outside cleaning my car, I noticed it was in the driveway because the wind blew it there. Moved it back... kept cleaning... turned to look again and it's blowing across our yard pretty quickly. I dragged it back over to the curb again and turn it so hopefully the wind wouldn't blow it away because it wouldn't roll... About 15 minutes later I'm walking back inside the house, and our tree is GONE. My dad and I both looked all over the street and it was nowhere! Either someone grabbed it, or it rolled like four houses down and into the pond....... It will always remain a mystery. X'D

This semester, my last semester of college, I have color theory, criminal investigation/evidence, world literature, history of the English language, and social psychology. A very odd combination of classes. XD
I think my favorite when it comes to actual class time is either criminal investigation or social psychology. The worst class is color theory. Our homework is due Saturdays by midnight. First assignment... 8 hours to complete. Second assignment took me 10 hours to complete, including the additional hour of fixing some things and hoping to get a better grade. Third assignment, the one that he said was supposed to be fun and not stressful... five hours to complete, and I got an 87% on it. I really hate this class just because of these assignments. He says he makes them due on Saturday because he wants us to "take Sunday to rest" but I usually don't do homework on SATURDAY. Now I'm just doing homework everyday, which is stupid..... Idk, it just makes me mad. We don't even have class until Monday morning, so it's due 31 hours before we have class... -.-

I went to Winter Jam with my dad! It was fun. I got a shirt, and we got popcorn while there (which was ridiculously expensive aksjdfh). Definitely recommend going! We actually might try to go to another Winter Jam concert about an hour away from my college, two hours away from home, later this month. XD

In criminal investigation, my teacher used to be a member of the secret service. He mainly worked on cases to do with counterfeit money. Anyway, one day we were kinda joking around about donuts because he had a cup of coffee from Dunkin Donuts and we were like "You didn't bring donuts?!?!?" X'D
SOOOO apparently my teacher and a guy in my class agreed he could get some extra credit or brownie points or something if he brought in donuts for everyone, but they never set a date. Last Friday, my classmate brought in donuts... and then my teacher walked in two minutes later ALSO CARRYING A DOZEN DONUTS! Each of us ended up with two or more donuts that day... I ate two and a half. XD

It has now been two years since my car accident as of yesterday. I did dry needling last year, for about six months which did actually help. The lady who did the dry needling left though, and I didn't get it done for about a month and a half until the new lady came. I got it done once on January 20th... I'm not going to get dry needling done ever again. It made everything SO MUCH WORSE. I was literally waking up throughout the night because of my neck hurting so badly. The pain made me feel nauseous, my back hurt, I had headaches/migraines, felt dizzy... I was using the topical medicine, taking a lot of Tylenol, using the heating pad, doing stretches... for about a week it was absolutely horrible. Then almost two weeks after, on Friday, I woke up from my neck hurting and was literally crying and like, it's so stupid asdhfaksjdfh It's been two years! You'd think that I would be better by now... Don't get in car accidents, people. -50/10

I don't know what else to say really. I'm going to the Pokemon Go event in St. Louis with my brother in March, we already bought tickets! Movies I saw this past month include: Jumanji (twice), Spies in Disguise, Knives Out, Bad Boys for Life (didn't enjoy), Dolittle, The Rhythm Section, and The Gentlemen (didn't enjoy).

Anyway... that's all I have room for here lol and I'll make a thumbnail later

info; later

1. Without You
2. Rewrite the Stars
3-4. Life is Beautiful (new years MEP)
5-6. Love Myself (4th anniversary MEP)
❝Life is Beautiful❞ MEP Parts || January 2020❝Sunflower Love❞ MEP Parts || August 2020Genghis Khan [Non/Disney Villains || CR shuffle vid]youll never leave if Im already gone. ᶠˡᶦᵍʰᵗ ʳᶦˢᵏ❝Can you hear me?❞ Izuku MidoriyaHappy Halloween! ᴹᴱᴾ ᶜᵒˡˡᵉᶜᵗᶦᵒⁿ❝Lavender Shadows❞ MEP Collection ᴬᵘᵍᵘˢᵗ ²⁰²³ask me if Im happy, idk「MEP」Rescue You [DUE: JAN. 3RD]its okay if you forget me [EDL]Never gonna give up candy or butterThe Night We Met ❄ ˢᵉᶜʳᵉᵗ ˢᵃⁿᵗᵃ ᶠᵒʳ ᴿᵃʲᵛᶦ

❝Life is Beautiful❞ MEP Parts || January 2020 @xBurningBrightly