Quick Biochemistry Basics | Resolution of a Microscope @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
This video is about, how diffraction limits ability of light microscope to resolve small objects.

Resolution is the ability of an optical instrument/microscope to distinguish between two closely spaced objects (governed by Rayleigh criterion) and ability of optical instrument/microscope to see tiny object clearly. The resolution of microscope is mathematically given by Abbe diffraction limit, that depends on the wavelength of light used and Numerical Aperture (NA). The resolution of optical microscope depends on the diffraction, while resolution of super resolution microscope is independent of diffraction limitation.
Resolution of a MicroscopeBenedicts testBradford protein assay | Bradford testColumn chromatography and discovery of DNA polymeraseTollens test | silver mirror testMelting curve analysisReverse phase chromatographyMichaelis Menten equationAffinity chromatographySuccinate dehydrogenase (complex 2 of ETC)Chromosome JumpingLysine Biosynthesis

Resolution of a Microscope @quickbiochemistrybasics