Quick Biochemistry Basics | Column chromatography and discovery of DNA polymerase @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 1 month ago | Updated 12 hours ago
This short video is about, sir Arthur Kornberg who discovered DNA polymerase. The enzyme responsible for the replication of DNA. He used simple techniques like column chromatography for the isolation of
polymerase. This discovery was so amazing that he was awarded noble prize for this discovery.
Column chromatography and discovery of DNA polymeraseTollens test | silver mirror testMelting curve analysisReverse phase chromatographyMichaelis Menten equationAffinity chromatographySuccinate dehydrogenase (complex 2 of ETC)Chromosome JumpingLysine BiosynthesisGriffiths experimentTaq DNA polymeraseDNA polymerase I

Column chromatography and discovery of DNA polymerase @quickbiochemistrybasics