Quick Biochemistry Basics | Chromosome Jumping @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 1 year ago | Updated 18 hours ago
Chromosome Jumping is a method widely used for detection of genes located far away on the chromosome. In this method the genomic DNA is isolated and treated with restriction enzyme. These fragments are allowed to self ligate. This results in formation of circular DNA. This circular DNA is treated with second restriction enzyme and the fragments released are ligated into a plasmid. Finally by using a probe of known sequence the colonies having similar fragment is isolated. This fragment will also have the gene that was located far away on the chromosome.
Chromosome JumpingLysine BiosynthesisGriffiths experimentTaq DNA polymeraseDNA polymerase ITypes of feedback inhibition.Enzyme kineticsNanopore sequencingCarbohydrates | classification of carbohydratesDensity gradient centrifugationCell membraneNucleotide excision repair

Chromosome Jumping @quickbiochemistrybasics