Quick Biochemistry Basics | Carbohydrates | classification of carbohydrates @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 18 hours ago
carbohydrates are classified into monosaccharides, oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. monosaccharides can either be aldose or ketose depending on the functional group present. example of aldose includes glucose while example of ketose includes fructose. oligosaccharides are made up of two to ten monosaccharide units while polysaccharides are made up of more than ten monosaccharides units linked to form long chain which can be branched or unbranched.
Carbohydrates | classification of carbohydratesDensity gradient centrifugationCell membraneNucleotide excision repairEukaryotic TranscriptionDiscovery of GibberellinsArginine biosynthesismRNA | Discovery of mRNAScanning Tunneling Microscopy | Atomic Force MicroscopySAGE | Serial Analysis of Gene ExpressionGram stainingUncompetitive inhibition

Carbohydrates | classification of carbohydrates @quickbiochemistrybasics