Quick Biochemistry Basics | Eukaryotic Transcription @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Transcription in Eukaryotes, with mnemonics.

The enzyme required for the process of transcription is the RNA polymerase. The prokaryotes have only one RNA polymerase enzyme while the eukaryotes have three RNA polymerase enzyme. RNA polymease 2 is a major polymerase enzyme involved in (transcriotion of mRNA in the eukaryotes) the RNA pol 2 along with other proteins known as the transcription factors are required for the initiation of transcription. because there are many transcription factors involved in eukaryotic transcription, its easy to memorise them with the help of mnemonics. once RNA polymerase has initiated transcription it shifts into elongation phase. the transcription factors that helps in elongation are called elongation factors. And finally when the RNA polymerase reaches the end of the gene termination of transcription is carried out by termination factors.
Eukaryotic TranscriptionDiscovery of GibberellinsArginine biosynthesismRNA | Discovery of mRNAScanning Tunneling Microscopy | Atomic Force MicroscopySAGE | Serial Analysis of Gene ExpressionGram stainingUncompetitive inhibitionEdman degradation | Edman SequencingHershey and Chase experimentBoiling lysis method for plasmid isolationHomologous, Orthologous, paralogous, Analogous genes.

Eukaryotic Transcription @quickbiochemistrybasics