Quick Biochemistry Basics | Discovery of Gibberellins @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 3 years ago | Updated 3 hours ago
Gibberellins were discovered in 1920s when scientists were studying rice seeds. play an important role in cell elongation, development of flowers and breaking the dormancy of the seeds.
Discovery of GibberellinsArginine biosynthesismRNA | Discovery of mRNAScanning Tunneling Microscopy | Atomic Force MicroscopySAGE | Serial Analysis of Gene ExpressionGram stainingUncompetitive inhibitionEdman degradation | Edman SequencingHershey and Chase experimentBoiling lysis method for plasmid isolationHomologous, Orthologous, paralogous, Analogous genes.Optical tweezers

Discovery of Gibberellins @quickbiochemistrybasics