Quick Biochemistry Basics | Bradford protein assay | Bradford test @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 12 hours ago
Bradford protein assay is one of the quick method for the estimation of protein. Bradford test uses Coomassie brilliant blue dye. The colour of this dye is usually red (cationic form) and turns blue in presence of protein. The intensity of blue colour increases with increase in the concentration of protein, hence my making a standard graph of known solution the unknown protein concentration can be estimated.
Bradford protein assay | Bradford testColumn chromatography and discovery of DNA polymeraseTollens test | silver mirror testMelting curve analysisReverse phase chromatographyMichaelis Menten equationAffinity chromatographySuccinate dehydrogenase (complex 2 of ETC)Chromosome JumpingLysine BiosynthesisGriffiths experimentTaq DNA polymerase

Bradford protein assay | Bradford test @quickbiochemistrybasics