Quick Biochemistry Basics | Memorize Enzyme Inhibition @quickbiochemistrybasics | Uploaded 4 years ago | Updated 22 hours ago
Pencil trick to memorize enzyme inhibition graphs
This video is about the memorizing enzyme inhibition graphs using pencil or pen. There are three types of enzyme inhibition: Competitive inhibition, Uncompetitive inhibition and Non competitive inhibition. Competitive inhibition is a phenomenon in which the substrate and the inhibitor compete for the active site of the enzyme. Un-competitive inhibition is a phenomenon in which the inhibitor binds ES complex. And Non-competitive inhibition is a phenomenon in which the inhibitor can either bind the active site or it can bind the ES complex directly.
Memorize Enzyme InhibitionConjugation in ProkaryotesTitration curve of glycineFlow CytometryGas chromatography | GCInduced fit modelSubstrate inhibitionHemocytometer | calculation made easyThin layer chromatographyIon exchange chromatographySDS PAGEIsoenzymes

Memorize Enzyme Inhibition @quickbiochemistrybasics