LPPFusion | LPPFusion Presentation at ITER International Workshop @LPPFusion | Uploaded 3 months ago | Updated 16 hours ago
Less than a mile from the worlds largest fusion energy construction site, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric Lerner described our Fast Path to Fusion Energy to the Inaugural Private Public Fusion Workshop in May 2024. More than 350 scientists, engineers and others from more than two dozen private fusion companies, twenty universities and ITERs organization gathered at the first global conference devoted to bringing together private fusion companies with government-funded fusion projects. In contrast to the planned 300,000-ton ITER device, Lerner emphasized that we aim to produce net energy with a 3-ton device, FF-2B. He explained that with our approach of imitating, rather than fighting, natural plasma behavior weve achieved the highest temperatures of any fusion experiment and the highest ratios of fusion energy out to device energy in (wall-plug efficiency) of any fusion company for an expenditure of only $10 million. In the past year, weve increased peak current by 60% with no increase in energy input and drastically decreased electrode erosion.

A Q and A with all panelists took place at the end of the panel. We'll be posting that when we get permissions from other panelists.

LPPFusions researchers are not backed by any billionaires. Our work both in fusion energy in astrophysics is funded by a couple of thousand small investors. Unfortunately, thats just not enough. We need at least another million dollars a year to help us hire the people we need for maximum speed.

There are 12,000 people subscribed to our YouTube channel. If each of you subscribers became a donor to LPPFusion at just $10 per monththree dimes a day or invested just $100 per year--we would be raising another 1.2 million dollars per year. Invest here: https://wefunder.com/lppfusion or contribute here: https://www.lppfusion.com/subscribe/
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LPPFusion Presentation at ITER International Workshop @LPPFusion