Kathy Loves Physics & History | How the shy Roentgen created the X-ray Craze @Kathy_Loves_Physics | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 20 hours ago
Within weeks of Roentgen's discovery of the x-ray, the world went, basically, x-ray crazy. This is that wild story.

My lovely brother-in-law translated the original newspaper account from Old German if you would like to read it (it is amazingly prescient):

If you read old German (wow!) then here is a link to the original article:

As usual the music is from the lovely and talented Kim Nalley including the intro song which is her version of "Electricity, Electricity" from Schoolhouse Rock.

(ps. I know the lighting is really bad, a friend "helped" me, I won't do that again)
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How the shy Roentgen created the X-ray Craze @Kathy_Loves_Physics