Kathy Loves Physics & History | Michael Faraday Biography: How Faraday Escaped Poverty with a Lot of Luck @Kathy_Loves_Physics | Uploaded 6 years ago | Updated 20 hours ago
Faraday Biography: How much luck did a brilliant scientist like Faraday need to succeed in science? Turns out, quite a lot! Fortunately, he had a wonderful boss, a good book, a rich patron, a chemical explosion, a fistfight and a fortunate outbreak of the plague! Wait, those last three don't sound lucky at all. Well, they were for Faraday. Watch the video to find out how.

As usual a big thank you to Kim Nalley for the lovely singing and background music.
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Michael Faraday Biography: How Faraday Escaped Poverty with a Lot of Luck @Kathy_Loves_Physics