javidx9 | BIG PROJECT 2-in-1! Top Down City Based Car Crime Game #2 @javidx9 | Uploaded 5 years ago | Updated 21 hours ago
Whew! A 2-in-1 feature length video this one, but it covers a lot to bring this project up to date. First I discuss the project structure and designing for modification. Then I implement Lua to handle external scripting and asset management. Next I completely rebuild the engine making it more modular, and implement basic city elements. Then I discuss a strategy for various types of automata, such as pedestrians, vehicles and police, and implement them, whilst obeying the rules of the road.

Source: https://github.com/OneLoneCoder/Javidx9/tree/master/PixelGameEngine/BiggerProjects/CarCrimeCity

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BIG PROJECT 2-in-1! Top Down City Based Car Crime Game #2 @javidx9